有关于疫情的英语口语对话 疫情防控英语口语基础交流


有关于疫情的英语口语对话 疫情防控英语口语基础交流


有关于疫情的英语口语对话 疫情防控英语口语基础交流

 A:口罩是防止我们感染的有效工具,我们应该正确佩戴,你知道怎么正确佩戴口罩吗?       Masks are effective tools to prevent infection. We should wear them correctly. Do you know how to wear one correctly?      

有关于疫情的英语口语对话 疫情防控英语口语基础交流

B:口罩要调整到符合我们的脸型,才能防止飞沫传播。   The mask should be adjusted to fit your face shape to prevent the spread of droplets.

一 Honey,The epidemic is coming. We need to stay at home.(宝贝,疫情来了,我们要待在家中。)
一Mommy, I'm so scared.(妈妈,我很害怕。)
一Don't be nervous, my girl.We can protect ourselves.Remember,wear masks when going out, wash hands often at home, and do not go to crowded places.(不必紧张我的姑娘,我们完全可以保护好自己。记得出门戴口罩,在家勤洗手,不去人员密集的地方。)
一I see. As long as we all pay attention, it will be defeated, right?(我明白了。只要我们多注意,疫情就会被打败,是吗?)
一Yes, the people of our country are united and  we will defeat it. girl,spring is on the way.(是的,全国人民众志成城,我们一定会打败它。姑娘,春天就要来了。)

一 Yeah,I'm looking forward to going to school and going out together with my friends.(㖿!我好期待和小伙伴一起上学一起出去玩儿呀。)



the problem 不适

fever / have      a temperature 发热

tired and      sore 酸痛乏力

dry cough 干咳

headache 头痛

sore throat 咽喉痛


Could/Can you      tell me what the problem is/was? 你能告诉我(出现过)哪里不舒服吗?

How long have      you...? 。。。多长时间了?

When did it      start? 什么时候开始?

What color is      /was the sputum? 痰是什么颜色?


I feel      unwell./ I don’t feel well. 感觉不适

I’ve got… / I      feel… 我有……症状

I have a      temperature. 发热

I feel tired      and sore. 酸痛乏力


live 居住

visit 到访

during the      past 14 days / within the last 14 days 既往14天内


Where have      you lived recently?

Where have      you visited recently?

Is this your      first time to…?

How long have      you been…?

When did you      go to…?

Have you ever      gone to…?


the      clinic/hospital 诊所/医院

a confirmed      case of COVID-19 新冠肺炎确诊病例

inpatient      department 住院部

gathering 聚会


Have you gone      to the clinic/hospital recently? What for?

Do you know      if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the hospital you visited?

Were your      friends / family members in inpatient department?

Do you know      the patient’s condition?


Have you      taken part in a gathering recently?


travel agency      旅行团


medical test      for coronaviruses 新冠病毒检测

report 报告

diagnosis 诊断


Have you      taken any medical tests in the hospital recently?

Which tests      have you taken?

Can/Could you      show me the report/ medical record from the hospital?


take      medication 服药

have allergy 过敏



  “This too shall pass.” – Persian Sufi Poets


  You’re Allowed To Scream, You’re Allowed To Cry, But Do Not Give Up.


  Storms Makes Trees Take Deeper Roots.


  The struggle of you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.

  5. 笑一笑,你很可爱

  Smile. You’re Cute.

  6. 苦难不会毁灭您,而是让您更坚强

  When you face difficult times, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They’re sent to promote, increase and strengthen you.

  7. 多难兴邦

  Hope Is The only Thing Stronger Than Fear.

  8. 我命由我,不由天

  I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.

  9. 我很强大,因为我过去很脆弱。我无所畏惧,因为我已经怕过。

  I Am Strong Because I’ve Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I’ve Been Afraid.

  10. 带着决心起床,带着满足入睡

以上就是小编整理的有关于疫情的英语口语对话 疫情防控英语口语基础交流相关信息。关注学校百科网了解更多雅思相关知识!

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