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 伍德豪斯在一份声明中说:“这期间,对持有效澳洲签证的游客,抵达纽西兰时将获得为期3个月的旅行签证。板球球迷跟随所支持的球队在两国之间旅行将更为容易,同时这也鼓励那些没有计划访问纽西兰的游客来访。” 伍德豪斯说:“这一新的安排将极大推动两国的旅游产业发展。”

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The ICC Cricket World Cup will take place from 14 February to 29 March 2015, with all 14 qualifying teams to play matches in both Australia and New Zealand.

Minister Cash said between 26 January and 5 April 2015, New Zealand will grant a visa on arrival to visitors who already hold an Australian visa.

“Australia and New Zealand look forward to welcoming the international cricketing community next year and to showcasing both countries to the world,” Minister Cash said.

“This new visa arrangement will change the visa process for participants and spectators of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 by only requiring them to apply for one visa in order to follow their teams to both countries.”

“The new arrangement will substantially benefit the tourism sector in both countries” said Minister Cash.

“New Zealand will grant a visa on arrival to people holding almost any type of Australian visa, which means not only international tourists will benefit, but people already in Australia on most permanent or temporary visa types as well.”

Chief Executive of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 Local Organising Committee, John Harnden, welcomed the support from the Australian and New Zealand Governments.

“This is a real coup for fans travelling to Australia and New Zealand to witness the world’s best players compete in the biggest sporting event of 2015,” Mr Harnden said.

“We have made sure the event is affordable and with this new visa process it will now be even easier for fans from around the world to follow their teams and experience the many tourist offerings in both countries.”

International visitors will still be required to meet the respective health, security and character requirements of both countries and each country will retain the right to refuse entry if a visitor does not meet these requirements.

以上就是小编整理的明年澳游客和留学生可免签去新西兰了全部内容了,欢迎大家留言讨论。访问学校百科网了解更多明年 游客 留学生 可免 签去 新西兰 纽西兰 移民 部长 相关话题

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