托福独立写作模板综合 托福独立写作万能例子汇总


托福独立写作模板综合 托福独立写作万能例子汇总


托福独立写作模板综合 托福独立写作万能例子汇总

1.The lecture and the reading discuss ( ). The lecturer puts forward 3 pioints and effectively contradicts the opinions of the reading.

托福独立写作模板综合 托福独立写作万能例子汇总

First of all, the reading says that ( ). In contrast, the lecture claims that ( ). By this way, the lecture contradicts the first opinion of the reading.

Second, the reading claims that ( ), while according to the lecture, this is not the case. The lecturer says that ( ). By casting doubt on an important peice of evidence of the reading, the lecture contradicts the second claim of the reading.

Finally, the reading states that ( ), while the lecture claims that ( ). Thus the lecture refutes the last claim of the reading.

2. The professor presents a lecture regarding(主题), and her proposition forms a sharp contrast with what is stated in the reading passage.

First, the reading passage claims that (reading的第一个点). However, the professor points out that (listening的反驳).

Another part that distinguishes the reading from the listenging is that(reading的第二个点). The professor explains that(listening的反驳).

Finally, what the reading stated concerning (reading的第三个点)differs a lot from what is mentioned by the professor. As she puts it, (listening的反驳)

3. When it comes to the issue about (标题), people's opinion differs from person to person. Some hold the view that(一个观念), while others argues that(另一个观念). As far as I'm concerned, I support the prior/latter point for the reasons that(概括本人的论点)

It is true that (反方论点)has its own merits. For one thing, (反方论据1). For another, (反方论据2).However, is this a wise choice? After taking more factors into consideration, I suggest that(正方论点).


Second, (正方论据2)

In short, from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that (把第一段的论点反复一遍)


托福独立写作的topic,按热度从高到低的排列:教育、社会生活、成功、社会生活+价值观、价值观、朋友、休闲、环境。 独立写作的问题方式往往是二选一,有时候是对情景现象的考察,或是问是否同意由“should”引出的一种情况,或是问是否同意由某个绝对词引出的一种情况,还有三选一、四选一,但考察很少。

通常的托福独立写作问法如下: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should know about events happening around world even if they have little influence on their daily lives. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


1. 多看看和热门话题相关的词语,尤其是教育和一些社会话题!哪些单词和词组我们必须掌握呢?The answer is “go and ask Jack”!

2. 要具体!要用强大的逻辑和例子论证!别想当然瞎掰掰。



Asked what...will do to ..., some xx(ex:teachers) may answer: xx. Admittedly, xx plays a vital part in xx(ex:person’s success and happiness).But actually, I think that...

Different people will give different answers to this question from their own characters, emotional concerns and even educational backgrounds.However, when it comes to me, I firmly believe that...


Admittedly, Granted, I tend to agree(concede) that: in some cases(conditions), it may be true that....These cases, however, are rare and therefore are too weak to convince me to walk away from my position .

(When the advantages and disadvantages of X and Y are carefully examined, the most striking conclusion is obvious that…… ) I still firmly believe that.


All in all, for the reasons listed above, we can safely conclude that...


托福成绩想要达到高分,口语成绩也不能太低分啦,那么托福口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:学校百科,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的托福外教可以选择。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。


好了,以上就是托福独立写作模板综合 托福独立写作万能例子汇总的全部介绍,希望小编精心整理的这篇内容能够解决你的困惑。访问学校百科网了解更多托福相关话题

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