雅思口语新版题库2024 雅思口语题库都什么时候更新

大家从小到大都经历过很多考试了,对于考试已经是非常熟悉了,在每次备考的时候我们都是在不停的背书或者不停的做练习题,这些都是为了自己能个考出个好成绩。很多的雅思口语考生在备考的时候也是明天都在练习口语,练习口语时肯定需要通过题库来进行的。在雅思口语考试备考的时候题库还是很重要的,毕竟题库里的题目够多,很多题我们都可以练到。那么小编今天先为大家带来雅思口语题库大全2020 ,看看里面的题目怎么样,如果你对今天的内容感兴趣就接着往下看吧!

雅思口语新版题库2024  雅思口语题库都什么时候更新


雅思口语新版题库2024  雅思口语题库都什么时候更新


雅思口语新版题库2024  雅思口语题库都什么时候更新


1.Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?2.How long 2.have you had your current haircut?

3.How often do you have a haircut?

4.Do you like having your hair cut?


1.Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

That' s more like every time, ha-ha! You seeIjust have this feeling that 1 have a very different understanding ofconcepts like 'a LITTLE bit shorter' , from, say. ninety-ninepercent of hairdressers. They almost always get my fringe(RU) waytoo short making me look pretty silly. To be honest, I don' t knowwhat their problem is.

2.How long have you had your current haircut?

I don' treally like to change my haircut style too often. and 1think r ve kept it this way for the last three or four years 1 mean,yeah, there are new hair trends almost every season, but I justdon't see the point of(不理解为什么)following them It s ootiring for me.

3.How often do you have a haircut?

Well, about once a month, sometimes even longer. My hairdoesn' t grow very fast, compared to my cousin. не goes to thebarber' s every two weeks cuz otherwise, he' d look like a rockstar-I meant no offen to them, but, you know what Imean(a). 1, however, don' t have that problem.

4.Do you like having your hair cut?

Um.. If you mean 'do ! enioy having a hircut’. then no. '" mnot that keen on plising抛光,修饰) my appearance. I think it hasto be neat and clean, and that salll. i don' treal enjoy sitin,there for at least half an hour waiting to get my hrut'tas| an’' teven see anything clearly without my gasss

5.What’s your last haircut?

It: was ike relll short, and that was during my high shool,when I found that having short hair could be so much more

convenient. It indeed was a bit too boyish(男孩子气的),1 guess, myrelatives sometime clll me 'tomboy. Butr m fine with that.Then 1 decidcd to have a change and

became... Let ssay, a bit more chic. And that s when1changed to my current hairstyle.


题目:1.Do you walk a lot?

2.Do you wak more often now than in the past?

3.Do you think people willl walk more or not in the future?4.Where do you usuall go for a wal?


1.Do you walk a lot?

1 suppose I do. yeah. 1 mean, 1 always prefer to travel by footwhen it s a short distance. And 1 take multiple short trips everyday. Like, you know, 1 go to the library, the cssom the schoolmart and the dining room on foot every day. On weekends, 1sometimes hang out with my friends in the cit, where itis toocrowded to drive. So yeah, in that sense, ! guess it s fair to saythat 1 do walka lot.

2.Do you walk more often now than in the past?

I have to say no, because when I was a child, I used to go

hiking with my parents in the woods. And when we were not hiking,we would take long walks near our home. That was quite a bit ofexercise! But now, it s impossible to spend time walking everyday. School is just too busy.

3.Do you think people will walk more or not in the future?Fromwhat I can s, proaby wont be ble almhin the future, given the bustling city life that we are heading into,you know. People already spend s0 much time indoors. Well, wework on computers and entertain ourselves on electronic devices.How could we spare time to walk in the future? Actually. it may bea surprise if we could make time for walking at all!

4.Where do you usually go for a walk?

Well, it depends on where am living. If I’m living at home, I normally. just walk on the street near my home. Or sometimes takeastrol the shg raietmatco just walk in the playground with my friends. Sometimes we even g0for. a brisk walk around the playground.







我们知道雅思机经的题有上百道,单单就口语一科而言就够大家去准备的了,更何况还有听力,写作和阅读的大量试题。所以最方便高效的方法就是按照类别来准备,我们可以把近期雅思口语考试中出现过的题目按照类别来进行分类,人物,地点,经历,爱好….etc. 对于时间很紧张的考生来说,我们只需要把每个大类的几个经典话题来进行精心准备,而对于其他的题目,我们可以用套题法来进行准备。比如我们可以准备一个人物类的话题,对于大多数题目Describe a person who helped you a lot. Describe a person in your family. Describe a friend who means a lot to you.. 等诸如此类的话题都可以进行有机的覆盖。


对于两类考生来说,机经是最有效的一种学习方式。一就是对于没有接触过雅思的考生来说,机经是一种了解雅思口语考试考什么最快的一种方式。二类人群就是对于那些在短期之内,2-3 weeks中要考雅思的烤鸭们,在短期中准备有可能考到的试题,做大量的试题准备,有点像我们高考中的所用到的题海战术。


有几点原因,一是由于准备的时间太长,我们一般的考生没有那么多时间和精力去准备一门考试,甚至一门考试中的一个小类别,第二就是由于口语话题众多,有些话题可能虽然在机经里面经常出现,但你不能够确定是不是还在考官当天的题库中,所以也不能完全依靠机经。认为机经是唯一的救命稻草,那同学们可就进入到机经准备的误区当中了。第三呢,由于我们只是知道了机经大概的考题,而缺少一个批改的环节,所以在准备机经的同时,也应该去找相关老师去帮助自己修改自身的口语问题,比如pronunciation, structure, grammar, lexical ..etc..

上述内容就是小编整理的雅思口语新版题库2020 雅思口语题库都什么时候更新相关信息。关注学校百科网了解更多雅思相关知识!

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