托福口语题库及答案 托福口语试题和答案


托福口语题库及答案 托福口语试题和答案


托福口语题库及答案 托福口语试题和答案

Task 1

托福口语题库及答案 托福口语试题和答案

Which one of the following behavior do you think require morebravery?

1. propose an opinion which was different from teacher in class

2. admit your mistake to someone

3. stand up for an idea different from your friends

Task 2

Which university would you choose?

1. provide specialized courses from the beginning

2. take the courses that including several fields at first and then chooseI your specialization.

Task 3

cancel weekly programs

not sO many people watch it can produce other content onlineẞJ E: disappointed

1: produce other materials. For example, judging thecoffee in restaurant and tell students which one is better. J

2: make other programs which require more equipment. But it can also help students learn more.

Task 4

commitment and consistency principle

People may hesitate to make decisions, but once they had made a decision, there exited great chance that theywould follow their own choice in other things.

a professor received a call from an environment group asked to sign in a petition in a campaign to protect theenvironment . The professor admitted. After a month,the group asked the professor to donate the  professor donated 10 dollars. The third time, thegroup asked the professor to volunteer the campaign toclear the parks and plant the flowers. Of course theprofessor admitted.



A good leader is supposed to have a vision. Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision is a direction, an attractive and attainable picture of the future. As a leader, if you don’t know where you are going, you are irrelevant to your followers.

With a vision, you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heights. It is an important function of any leader.

Look for experiences that are new and different. Develop relationships with people who are different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with, especially those that come from different backgrounds and age groups.

2. 选择高薪职业还是能够得到自我满足的职业?If you have a chance to choose your job, would you like to choose a job with high salary or that can get personal satisfaction? Why?

I agree with that one should choose a major that suits his/her interests. First of all, if you force yourself to

learn something you don’t like, then you can’t be fully devoted to learning it well and may even feel bored. As a result, it will lower your study efficiency and can’t prepare you very well for future development.

Furthermore, the demand of job market definitely changes more frequently than your interests do. You may find a job popular after you graduate, although it may receive poor recognition by the society when you entered college. So it’s wise to choose a major you are interested in.

Personally speaking, I would like to choose a job which can provide me a high personal satisfaction. Firstly, success for me is a kind of process rather than a result such as a plenty of money. Money and reputation are incidental results to my success. So a high personal satisfaction can let me enjoy this process. Secondly, a high personal satisfaction can give me lots of passion to continue my job. In other words, passion and satisfaction of a job are dynamic to my career not money.


I think it’s necessary to forbid using mobile phone in some cases. For example in classes or meetings, the ringing is very disturbing. Although you may turn your mobile phone into the mute mode, it will distract you from classes thus reduce your study efficiency. And sometimes it’s impolite to use a mobile phone in some public occasion such as important conferences. Furthermore, the microwave radiation of a mobile phone will disturb the normal operating of special machines in some places such as hospital and laboratory. So forbidding using a mobile phone in some cases is good for you as well as the people surrounding you.


Friends 朋友

1. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of friends? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. 

One of the characteristics for a friend I would prefer most is honesty. I think honesty is the foundation of a friendship. If friends cheat mutually and then there would be no trust between them. How can they even make friends? Secondly, a good friend should be reliable. Everybody certainly appreciate a friend who is a phone call away especially in his difficult time. Just as the old saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed. True friendship is strengthened in difficulties. For example, when a student bomb his exam, a good friend should encourage and be eager to help him.When I am making friends with someone, I often take these two as the vital standards.

I think my friends should have several characters as follows. First, we should understand each other. We don?t need to hold the same opinion on every thing. But deep in our heart, we can understand the feeling of each other. Secondly, we care about each other in the true heart. I think my friend doesn?t need to show his care by just words and I don?t like artificial care. True friends will show up as soon as I have a real problem. At last, friend should be honest to me, I can allow for the white lie, but I he can?t lie to me on purpose.

My friend Anne is a person who has a passion for the nature. She is willing to do anything to get close to nature. Sometimes, she will even stay out in the woods for a few days camping. Some people think she?s crazy but she will still do that. She believes in preserving the natural state of things, and will even carry back litter that she finds on the ground that others have dropped or thrown carelessly. Anne is also a vegetarian and will have nothing to do with meat. She doesn?t condemn others for eating meat, but she does hope that one day the world will be full of vegetarians like her. Her dream is that one day the environment can be restored to a state where all humans and animals can live in comfort and happiness. I think the main reason we are such good friends is because we have a lot in common and support each other whenever we need help. Besides, we don?t feel we ever have to pretend around each other.

以上就是托福口语题库及答案 托福口语试题和答案的全部内容了,希望对大家有所帮助。

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