




金融是以融通货币和货币资金的经济活动为研究对象具体,研究个人、机构、政府, 如何获取、支出以及管理资金及其他金融资产的学科。








1. 专业背景


2. 先修课

美国大多数院校的金融硕士项目不强制要求先修课,但是如果有转专业的同学申请,可以尽可能修读以下课程,提升自身竞争力。学生可以通过二学位,辅修学位,暑期课程,网课等方式多修课程。或者考取CFA Level I也对申请金融金工有帮助。

Ø 微积分

Ø 线性代数

Ø 概率论与数理统计or统计学

Ø 微观经济学

Ø 宏观经济学

Ø 公司金融

Ø 财务会计

Ø 财务管理等

Ø 如果偏QUANT,多修数学课,以及计算机编程等Computer Programming (Java, C, C++, Python, C#, R, Ruby, or Matlab)


Washington University in St.Louis


Applicants to the Corporate Finance & Investments and Wealth & Asset Management tracks should have taken Calculus I, Statistics, and Microeconomics.

Successful applicants to the Quantitative Finance track will demonstrate outstanding aptitude for advanced quantitative finance materials and a passion for the quantitative aspects of problem-solving. Students who have majored in Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Economics, Engineering, Physics, and Statistics are especially encouraged to apply to the Quantitative Finance track. Some background in the applications of computing to quantitative problem-solving is especially valuable.

Boston College:

The following prerequisites must be completed prior to beginning the BC MSF program. These courses must be taken at an accredited 4-year, not-for-profit, college or university. Courses to satisfy the prerequisites may be taken online.

Students must earn a grade of B” or better in order to meet the requirement. Most students with an MBA or an undergraduate degree in business meet the prerequisites.

Full-Time and Part-Time Prerequisites


Students should have completed a course focused on the development and use of accounting information to evaluate the status and performance of business enterprises. Specifically, students should have a thorough grounding in the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. The course should cover reporting of information for use by persons and institutions outside the enterprise as well as the use of accounting information in managerial decision making.


Students should have completed an introductory course in Calculus covering a brief review of polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, followed by discussion of limits, derivatives, and applications of differential calculus to real-world problem areas. The course concludes with an introduction to integration.

Financial Management

Students should have completed an introductory course in Finance that covers projected financial statements, the time value of money, capital budgeting, financial leverage, security valuation, risk/return, working capital management, and international finance. The course should also cover financial statistical analysis and tools of planning and control.


Students should have completed a course focusing on the analytical tools of statistics that are applicable to management practice. The course should include descriptive statistics and probability and progress to inferential statistics relative to central tendency and dispersion. In addition to basic concepts of estimation and hypothesis testing, the course should include coverage of topics such as analysis of variance, regression, probability, hypothesis testing, Z-scores, P-values, the standard normal distribution, OLS regression, t-statistics, and Chi-square distributions.

Adjunct Course—Economics

The MSF Program also requires that students have a basic understanding of economics. Students must complete undergraduate- or graduate-level course work in microeconomics and macroeconomics before the MSF degree will be conferred. This coursework is not required to start the program.

Brandeis University


The following prerequisites must be completed prior to beginning the MSF program. Students must earn a minimum grade of B” to meet the requirement.

These courses must be taken at an accredited three- or four-year, not-for-profit college or university. Each course must be at least at least 3 credits or the equivalent of a full semester course. Courses to satisfy prerequisites may alternately be taken online and students must be able to provide the verified grade in the course. Courses taken at other educational institutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Financial Management

Students should have completed an introductory course in finance that covers projected financial statements, the time value of money, capital budgeting, financial leverage, security valuation, risk/return, working capital management and international finance. The course should also cover basic financial statistical analysis.

The Financial Management prerequisite can also be met by passing CFA Level 1.

Quantitative Methods

Students should have completed a course which emphasizes quantitative models and/or methods such as Statistics, Calculus, Econometrics, Data Analytics, Math Analysis, Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Advanced Math or Math Modeling.



投资银行业务(IBD,相当于国内的证券,券商): 投资银行家为希望通过债务或IPO融资的公司担任顾问; 或购买、出售或合并他们的公司(并购)。你通常会准备展示一项交易,展示一项交易,或者找人展示一项交易。有很多建模(尽管其中很多都在更新当前的模型),关注细节是非常重要的。你将学习如何使用各种估值方法对公司进行估值,帮助公司决定适合他们的商业机会。这些决定可以是公司是否应该与一家公司合并,收购另一家公司,或者为战略计划筹集额外的资金。

私募股权和风险投资(Private Equity and Venture Capital ):



对冲基金(Hedge Funds)



Ø 金融分析师

Ø 交易员

Ø 合规官

Ø 量化分析师

Ø 营销经理

Ø 投资组合经理

该方向主要是机构投资者(比如投资银行、基金公司、资产管理公司等)怎样帮助个人和/或公司管理资产组合(也就是他们的客户)去管理资产(如股票、债券、存款等),进行有效的投资并实现所预期的利益,使客户的资产实现保值增值。在这个过程当中,投资机构利用自身优势,收集大量的基础信息资料,进行系统的研究分析,建立投资策略,确定投资方向。有时为了控制风险,投资机构会按照一定的比例,投资于不同的品种(比如股票、基金、保险、定期存款等,从而可以在风险最低的情况下实现最大的收益。这就是我们通常所说的投资组合管理(portfolio management)。金融服务公司(比如Morgan Stanley,瑞银集团),资产管理公司,投资银行和证券公司是行业内最常见的雇主。同时常见职位有证券分析师(Security Analyst),股票基金管理人(Broker)和交易员(Trader)等。

公司金融(Corporate Finance):

公司财务工作包括为公司寻找和管理经营企业所需的资本。这是在实现企业价值最 大化和降低财务风险的同时进行的。

更复杂的公司财务工作可能涉及并购(M&A),比如计算收购目标的价值,或确定分拆业务的价值。从大型国际机构到小型初创企业,各种规模的公司都有企业财务职位。其他的公司财务职位包括财务分析师、财务主管和内部审计师。这个职位经常为首 席执行官整理财务报告,其职业发展目标也是成为财务副总裁和首 席财务官。

商业银行(Commercial Banking):包括当地机构的大型实体,提供一系列的金融服务,从支票和储蓄账户到个人退休账户和贷款。该领域的职业选择包括银行出纳员、信贷员、运营、营销,还有银行的资管职能部门、利润中心,如投行部、金融市场部、资管部等。银行作为金融市场中的霸主,在市场上享受着强势的买方地位。




咨询(Consulting Career)



投资银行(IBD)、销售和交易(Sales and Trading)属于卖方”,因为他们只是作为顾问,通常不会将自己的资本置于风险之中。可以记住,卖方出售服务,而买方购买资产。

私募股权(PE)和对冲基金(Hedge Fund)之所以被称为买方”,是因为他们实际上是在购买公司,无论是购买整个公司,还是只购买部分公司股票。在金融领域,与卖方相比,买方的职位通常更受青睐,因为在其他条件相同的情况下,工作时间较短,薪酬通常较高。


几乎每个行业的每个公司都有财务工作。有两种方法可以找到空缺职位——线上和线下。金融行业的工作是高度专业化的,所以通用的求职网站不是寻找金融类工作的最 佳途径。当通过线下的方式找工作时,专业的猎头有可以为你提供金融工作机会和职业建议。你所在大学的校友会也很有帮助,可以让你接触到业内人士,他们愿意提供一些见解,有时还能提供就业机会。






金融是商界的命脉。原材料无法加工,工厂无法建成,货物不能运输,顾客也不会满意,除非在正确的时间和地点提供了生产所需的资金。金融业规模庞大、种类繁多、极其重要, 因此对想从事金融行业的人来说,几乎任何一份金融工作都会给你带来高于平均水平的薪酬。而且,如果你愿意投入时间和精力——承受一定的风险和压力,在你的职位上表现出色——一份金融工作可能会让你变得富有。

美国劳工统计局(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,尽管金融顾问的职业在金融业的薪酬范围中处于较低水平,但对该职位的需求仍在不断增长。投资银行界竞争最激烈,薪水也随之飞涨,但这些工作大多局限于纽约或洛杉矶等主要银行中心,而且工作时间非常长。公司财务职位的薪酬处于中等水平,主要与个人责任等因素挂钩。 

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