1. 教授写的推荐信。
===Sample Letter of Recommendation===
To Whom It May Concern:
I have had the distinct pleasure of having Kaya Stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School. Kaya has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.
The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League.
Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well. One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners. With Kaya’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. Because of her natural leadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of Kaya as a colleague.
Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Kaya Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Peel, Ph.D.
2. 系主任写的推荐信
===Sample Letter of Recommendation===
This letter is intended to serve as a college recommendation for Ezra Edlarruti. I have been acquainted with Ezra for four years but came to know him well last year, as he was in the one class that I taught, a thirteen-student junior English class. Last spring, while he was singing the lead in "The Marriage of Figaro, " Ezra became especially interested in a short story that we read as a class, Albert Camus's "The Guest." It is a challenging story for any reader, and Ezra became interested in the subtleties of interpreting it, especially in the difficulties inherent in the translation of such a story. What did Camus really mean to say and how might his intentions have been compromised by its English translation? Ezra read the original, French, version of the story and then wrote a superb analysis of the compromises inherent in its English translation. His essay was flawless -- his wording apt, and his analysis insightful, logical and comprehensive. Some of our English faculty can't write so well.
Students and faculty often remark that Ezra is blessed with considerable talent. What many of them overlook is how hard Ezra works to cultivate his talent, whether it be the development of his beautiful voice for an operatic performance or of his writing skills as he works through an essay. I know of the effort that he put into book reviews of _1984_ and _Animal Farm_ because he shared early drafts with me. I also appreciate the time that he put into his analysis of "The Guest" because he stopped by periodically to share his enthusiasm for the project and his progress with it.
In over twenty-five years of teaching, I have known other students with talent equivalent to Ezra's. Many of them lacked his good nature and humility, and few demonstrated the genuine intellectual curiosity that Ezra has exhibited over and over -- a curiosity that is often accompanied by his excitement or enthusiasm for an idea, an author, a literary work or the lead role in a challenging operatic performance.
When I decided to set up a debate on Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience, " regarding the role of government in our lives today, in an effort to have the class appreciate more fully the contemporary implications of Thoreau's sophisticated essay, it was Ezra who was most helpful in creating a resolution that would lead to that appreciation. Ezra, to no one's surprise, then agreed to argue on any side of the debate.
Ezra is a motivated young man of numerous talents and considerable self discipline. He is fun-loving, likable, enthusiastic, trusting and trustworthy.
Gary Youstis
Academic Dean
===Sample Letter of Recommendation===
To Whom It May Concern:
I have had the distinct pleasure of having Kaya Stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School. Kaya has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.
The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League.
Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well. One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners. With Kaya’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. Because of her natural leadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of Kaya as a colleague.
Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Kaya Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Peel, Ph.D.
美国等国家组织的一类海外短期的交换学生计划,其英文名字"Study abroad"直译也为留学,请参见海外研修(中国大陆称为海外交流)。
急求出国留学推荐信(中文)Dear Prof. Dr. 0000I take great pleasure in writing this letter of recommendation for Dr. 0000 to support his application for a postdoctoral position in your lab. Dr. 000 is an outstanding graduate student working for the M.S. degree under my supervision. In my contact with him in the University, his creativity and attitude to research work gave me deep impression. He always proposed new ideas on his research and could
resolve problems by himself, I was very satisfied with him. Dr 000 has been working on molecular luminescence research about six years. As I know, most of his researches have been concentrated on bioanalytical chemistry in his Masters work, such as protein and nucleic acids assays etc. In these fields, Dr. 000 has strong background and research ability. He has and would be published several papers in international journals. I am often interested in reading his papers in publication and discussing with him. I am very appreciated of his research ability. Dr 0000 also possesses very fine character. He is a devoted research worker. He works on weekends. He is an honest and smart, reliable and responsible person, and is very cooperative too. based on these qualities, I believe this young man will achieve greater academic success in his future work. Therefore, I strongly support his application, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give him your favorable consideration.
Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any additional questions about 00000. My address is as follows:
Professor 00000
P. R. China
Your Sincerely
Professor of Analytical Chemistry出国留学中文推荐信该如何写及推荐信的结构介绍与被推荐者有着或曾有过密切工作关系的人或熟悉其能力水平的人士都是最佳人选。譬如在大学比较了解你的教授,在工作单位里的顶头上司或是你参与的其他社会组织,如各种学术和慈善团体的负责人。尽量避免请同一类型的人写推荐信,应该给人以全面的认识。三封推荐信应该用不同的风格,至少用不同的语气和内容。推荐人名头并非越大越好不用做到面面俱到尽力表现出申请人独到的优势。一般中国学生的出国留学中文推荐信都是相似的:学习刻苦,善于钻研,乐于助人,是所教过的最好的学生等等。这样的推荐信无法让招生人员留下深刻印象。推荐点应着眼于申请者自身独有的一些闪光点。但推荐点切忌过多,一封推荐信中有一个主要的闪光点即可。不要整篇文章充满了赞美,却不举一件事例来证明,一个实例胜于长篇大论。可以适当写几个不重要但很中肯的小缺点,增加真实性。推荐信的结构:第一段:· 推荐人与申请人的关系。· 申请人希望申请的哪一个学期和科系。第二段:· 推荐人对申请人资格评估。· 推荐人初识申请人时,对他有何特别的印象。· 举例证实推荐人对于申请人的评估结果。第三段:本科出国留学推荐信德国留学教授推荐信的咨询留学英国写好自荐信和推荐信留学推荐信:选择熟悉你的牛人出国留学推荐信1.推荐人姓名及详细联系信息
侧重点是你要申请的学校以及专业看重的能力吧,陈述你具有这方面的能力,然后举例说明,这样比较有说服力,文章需要一些亮点,不能通篇都是平平地说这学生如何优秀,一般来说国外你直接陈述这个学生哪里哪里优秀太虚了,需要举一些实际的例子,你实际做过什么这样比较好,你可以上网找一些模板,然后把自己的实例带进去,写好后可以给你们学校领导过目,让他给点意见然后再修改修改就OK了~字数方面800字左右吧谁能帮忙写一下 高中老师写给学生的出国留学推荐信首先要明确推荐信到底推荐的是什么?
被一所学校拒不怕,查出来这种事情,后果就严重了。。。。出国留学申请:推荐信怎么写?它可说明各种成绩单数字以外的其它意义,补充过于计量化、公式化审核的一种评估方式。美国留学申请研究所一般要求三封推荐信推荐人的身份可以是曾经教你的教授,或是现(曾)职工作单位主管,自已视需要组合。例如,如果你毕业十年,你的推荐人可应有二封工作主管为宜,而毕业一两年顶多一封即足够。推荐人的职务,并不一定愈高愈有利,相反地,认识你愈久而职称不高,内容又适当地表达你的个性(Personality),才是上乘的推荐。以下,我们将提供你推荐信需注意的要点,帮助你着手起稿推荐信:(一)不要拖时间,尽快起草:推荐信需要时间写,何况又得配合老师的时间。所以尽快起草你的推荐信,以便使你的推荐者有充裕的时间,为你的推荐信效力。(二)提供充份的信息给推荐者:如果你要推荐者能掌握你的优点,你得提供充份的信息。自然,要尽量具体避免空洞地陈述。同时,你也该提供你申请学校截止日期给推荐者参考,以免推荐者耽误了你的申请。(三)各推荐信的打字书信字体,宜选不同的型式,以示不同的推荐者。属需要圈选的表格者,可以直接以手稿填入。(四)在逻辑推理下,推荐者不可能知道或了解你的特质,请勿提及。譬如说,学生课外活动的表现就不适于平常教授正式科目的教授提及,除非教授也参与其中。又如其它课堂的表现,除非其它教授曾经提及过,否则不适合此科教授评论学生在其它科目的表现。再如,学生如何在图书馆查数据、写报告花费的时间,一般老师是不可能知之甚详,除非实在太特殊而略有耳闻,故也不适合在推荐信中提及。(五)推荐信的内容尽量简短有力:不要虚无空洞的形容词,例如他任职于某公司时,勤劳、负责、认真、为人谦虚、诚恳等语句,不宜多引用,最好讲出具体事实,才不流于形式,尤其不要抄袭市面的书信范例,以免流于陈腔滥调,落入俗套。(六)如果可能的话,推荐者最好与你修的科目或学校相关。譬如说:如果你将来计划主修英文,最好推荐人之一是英文老师。又如,如果你申请常春藤名校(IVYLEAGUESCHOOL),推荐者若也是常春藤名校出身,则其推荐信将更有力。(七)适当提及自己的“缺点”。一封推荐信如果阐述的完全是被推荐的同学的优点,不免让人觉得有粉饰之嫌,如果能恰当地加入一些“缺点”,不仅能令推荐信真实,还会通过“似贬实褒”,反而突出了被推荐人的特殊气质。例如计算机专业、数学专业乃至金融专业的同学,在推荐信中可以考虑加入这样的词句:“该生有时因为过分专注于研究工作而难以平衡生活各方面的关系,这不失为一种美中不足”。这句话似乎是在谈“缺点”,但很明显这样的“缺点”其实正是很多专业最渴望的“缺点”——废寝忘食的工作态度,从而使得“缺点”也为申请提供了巨大帮助。老师推荐学生出国留学的推荐信范文称呼To whom it may concern,
结尾,再次表明你是怎样的一个学生,认为你很有潜力之类之类的,和适合去那个学校学XXXX的,然后说If you have any questions regarding Mr./Miss. XXX, please feel freely to contact me at + 电话号码 或者 邮件。
美国高中入学申请, 依各校要求不同, 通常可接受学生提交以下三项英文成绩证明:
TOFEL Junior:青少年组托福考试专为以英语为外语的中学生设计, 评量考生的听力和阅读能力,以及篇章中的语法和词汇知识, 这项测验评量考生在三个关键层面上的英语能力:听力测验/语意测验/阅读测验。
学生在申请美国高中留学时,有些校方会要求学生提供数学老师和英语老师或学校校长的推荐信。通过推荐老师把学生的特长和强项表述在推荐信上。除了学科成绩之外, 学生若能兼顾其它领域更是吸引校方的筹码。
美国人非常喜欢运动,所以也建议家长最好有意识地帮助并鼓励孩子从事一两项运动,像篮球、网球、羽毛球、排球、棒球等。若学生在初中阶段担任过班级干部或其它社团或球队领导, 更是对美国一流高中的录取条件, 有很大的加分。