关于美国交互设计 你了解多少?

交互设计,又名互动设计,Interaction Design,是定义、设计人造系统行为的设计领域。交互设计在于定义人造物的行为方式(the "interaction",即人工制品在特定场景下的反应方式)相关的界面。

关于美国交互设计 你了解多少?

交互设计师首先进行用户研究相关领域,以及潜在用户,设计人造物的行为,并从有用性,可用性和情感因素(usefulness, usability and emotional)等方面来评估设计质量。交互设计是一种如何让产品易用,有效而让人愉悦的技术,它致力于了解目标用户和他们的期望,了解用户在同产品交互时彼此的行为,了解人”本身的心理和行为特点。同时,还包括了解各种有效的交互方式,并对它们进行增强和扩充。

关于美国交互设计 你了解多少?


关于美国交互设计 你了解多少?



旧金山艺术大学是全美官方认可最大的私立艺术设计高校,全美著名的艺术学院之一。该校的平面设计学院(School of Graphic Design)和时装设计学院(School of Fashion Design)在美国享有盛名,曾经培养出众多艺术设计界的大家。以平面设计、服装设计、动画设计专业享誉世界。

该校有M.A. in Interaction and UI/UX Design、M.F.A. in Interaction and UI/UX Design两个学位,课程设置如下:

M.A. in Interaction and UI/UX Design

The M.A. in Interaction and UI/UX Design provides professional study for students pursuing a career in web design and new media. Progress is measured through a rigorous process to achieve a final project portfolio.



Semester 1

ADV 605: Digital Graphics

WNM 601: Tech 1: Front-End

WNM 606: User Experience Design

Semester 2

WNM 605: Visual Design & Typography 1

WNM 608: Tech 2: Back-End

WNM 613: Motion Graphics and Video

Semester 3

GLA 615: History of Graphic Design

WNM 617: Advanced Tech: Mobile Web

WNM 635: Visual Design & Typography 2

Semester 4

ADV 695: Collaborative Project: The Agency

WNM 700: User Experience: Human Centered Design

WNM 755: Masters Portfolio

M.F.A. in Interaction and UI/UX Design

The MFA program provides advanced study for students pursuing a career in web design and new media. Progress in the MFA degree is measured through a rigorous process, both at the midpoint and final reviews.

Studio courses develop creative and technical acumen, with attention to mastering user experience design, while advanced courses provide a focused learning environment for building final thesis projects. Students will graduate with a portfolio and comprehensive thesis project showcasing their talent.



Semester 1

ADV 605: Digital Graphics

WNM 601: Tech 1: Front-End

WNM 606: User Experience Design

Semester 2

GLA 606: Crossing Borders: Art & Culture in a Global Society

GLA 615: History of Graphic Design

WNM 605: Visual Design & Typography 1

WNM 608: Tech 2: Back-End

WNM 613: Motion Graphics and Video

Semester 3

WNM 617: Advanced Tech: Mobile Web

WNM 635: Visual Design & Typography 2

WNM 700: User Experience: Human Centered Design

Semester 4

ADV 695: Collaborative Project: The Agency

WNM 610: Balancing Creativity and Profitability

WNM 810: User Experience

WNM 820: Technical Implementation

Semester 5

WNM 695: MS: Collaborative Project: MS: Automotive UI

WNM 820: Technical Implementation

WNM 830: Visual Design

Semester 6

GLA 676: Professional Practices for Designers & Advertisers

WNM 830: Visual Design

WNM 900: Internship

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