Starting August 12,mandatory hotel quarantine will finally decrease to three days plusfour days of 'home medical surveillance', which will allow arrivalslimited movement to some areas in the city such as offices, publictransport, and shopping malls.

Ifyou're one of the many who have already started planning their tripor are entering the city this month, we've compiled a guide to helpyou with everything you need to know when entering Hong Kong, fromthings to prepare before your arrival to Hong Kong InternationalAirport to all the steps you have to take as soon as you land.


Who can return toHong Kong now?
only fullyvaccinated Hong Kong residents and non-Hong Kong residents areallowed to enter the city. Those who cannot get vaccinated forCovid-19 due to medical reasons must have valid proof and arerequired to undergo 14 days of compulsoryquarantine.
Thegovernment allows travellers who have recently recovered fromCovid-19 to enter the city if they can show proof of recovery 14 to90 days before boarding the flight. A negative rapid antigen testresult within 24 hours of boarding a flight is also required.
Willthey allow entry if my visa is expiring?
Ifyou're not a permanent Hong Kong resident and travelling under a workor tourist visa, ensure your visa has a sufficient validity period,or you will be deniedentry.
TheImmigration Department (ImmD) provides electronic services for visaapplication and 'e-Visa' arrangements, allowing applicants tocomplete the entire process without going to the immigration officein person. Suppose your visa is under renewal and is getting delayed.It is best to send an authorised representative to the ImmD office tofix your reentry as emails and phone calls will take a long time.
What are therequirements to enter Hong Kong?
Though flight bansare scrapped, border control measures are still in place.Requirements to enter Hong Kong include:
Recognisedvaccination records
Negative RT-PCR testresult taken within 48 hours
48小时内取得阴性RT-PCR 检测结果
Current rulerequires a seven-night room reservation confirmation from designatedquarantine hotels dated the same day of your arrival to HK. But fromAugust 12, mandatory quarantine will change to a 3+4 format, whichwill change booking requirements to three nights in the hotel andfour days of 'home medical surveillance', allowing limited movementto some areas in the city such as offices, public transport, andshopping malls.
根据现行规定,您必须于抵港当日向指定的隔离酒店确认预订七晚房间。但从8月12日起,强制性隔离将改为3+ 4模式,这将把酒店的预订要求改为3晚和4天的“家庭医疗监督”,允许有限的人员流动到城市的一些地区,如办公室、公共交通和购物中心。
Arrivals will berequired to download the Leave Home Safe app (available in GooglePlay and Apple Store) when they land in Hong Kong and undergo dailyRAT and regular intervals of RT-PCR tests.
抵港旅客在抵达香港后,必须下载「离家安全」应用程式(可在Google Play 及Apple Store 下载),并须每天接受快速抗原测试及定期进行RT-PCR 测试。
How long is thequarantine period?
Both returningHongkongers and non-residents are required to book a mandatoryquarantine stay at any of the designated hotels.
FromAugust 12, the compulsory quarantine in a hotel is reduced to threedays. The date of your arrival in Hong Kong counts as Day 0, sotechnically, you will be staying in the quarantine hotel for threenights and four days. Those who get negative results from theCovid-19 tests will complete the quarantine on the morning of Day3.
ForHongkongers with addresses in the city, you can go to your home tospend the remaining four days under 'medical surveillance'. Touristswithout a place to stay will have to book the remainder of the fourdays in a hotel of your choosing. You can use public transport whiletransferring between yourdestinations.
Thosewho continue to test negative from RAT tests can complete the'medical surveillance' on the morning of Day7.
Peoplewho came to the city between August 3 and 8 and have alreadycompleted at least three nights of quarantine in DQHs and testednegative for RAT test will be allowed to leave the hotel from August9 to 12 and move to medical surveillance at home.