


  学校百科网【留学 https://www.zhixiao1.cn/liuxue/】小编为大家整理了菲律宾留学博士留学相关信息,希望对大家有帮助。





  I. Admission

  1. 所有赴菲学习的中国留学生必须遵守菲律宾政府的法律法规,尊重菲律宾人民的风俗习惯和价值信仰,不做任何危害菲律宾国家和人民安全、利益的事情。

  1. Chinese students should obey rules and regulations of Philippine government, respect the culture and beliefs of the natives and not do anything that jeopardizes the securities of the Republic of the Philippines and its people.


  2. The students must register on time, if not, they must specify the reason/s and time for the late enrollment in advance. When the student gets the approval, it will be considered as personal leave, and if students exceed the time limit without any reason, the admission qualification will be cancelled.

  3. 所有新生必须用英文填写大学注册登记表,并递交照片等相关资料。

  3. The students must fill out the university Registration Forms in English and submit other requirements such as pictures, etc.


  III. Study

  1. 学校负责在学员上课离开前发放正式录取通知书。

  1. The university will issue the official letter of admission before students leave school.

  2. 博士课程每年集中学习两次,每次三周,其它时间可由学员自行安排在菲律宾大学或菲律宾境外做研究。

  2. The concentrate Doctoral studies is arranged 2 times every year, and about 3 weeks each time. Students can choose to study or do research at school or outside of Philippines in other times.

  3. 学员若在规定上课时间内提前离开,所产生的一切后果由学员本人承担。

  3. If students leave school before the settled time, students should shoulder all the consequences.

  4. 课堂上积极配合导师教学并应尽量使用英文交流。

  4. Communicate and interact in English with teachers actively in class.

  5. 出勤率达不到80%的学员,导师有权在考试时给予不及格处理。

  5. If students attendance rate is lower than 80%, university has the right to let students don"t get the units.

  6. 若不能按时完成作业而影响到考试成绩或毕业时间将由学员本人承担损失。

  6. Students are responsible for the consequences of unfavorable score or graduation date due to their failure in finishing research work.

  7. 如在教学中有意见分歧者,可与项目助理进行沟通,项目助理向项目主席汇报后,由项目主席同相关老师或部门协商解决。

  7. If they have any different opinions, students could communicate with program assistant,who will submit the report to the program chairman, and the chairman will coordinate the problems with related teachers.


  IV. Life

  1. 同学间相互尊重,团结友好。

  1. Getting on with classmates well.

  2. 大学为无烟校园,校内不可抽烟。

  2. No-smoking on campus.

  3. 自觉爱护校内各项公共设施,破坏赔偿。

  3. Taking care of the university properties, pay for the damage/s.

  4. 学员要尊重大学里各国学生的信仰自由,不进行评论和干涉。

  4. Show respects to the freedom of religious belief of all the students.


  V. Graduation

  1. 学员完成每年两次,每次三周的集中学习,按时完成作业,参加考试,提交

  菲律宾留学 博士留学相关信息汇总


  1. The students finish the massed learning (twice a year, about three weeks each time), complete all the research work, take the exams, submit the dissertation, and finally pass the dissertation to get the diploma.

  2. 毕业颁发大学博士学位证书。

  2. Students will get certification of Doctoral Degree from the university when they are allowed to graduate.


  VI. Suspension and drop out

  1. 凡因健康原因或其它原因需要休学者,需提供医院证明和相关证明,申请批准后方可休学。

  1. If the students want to get suspension because of health problem or other reasons, the certificates from hospital and relative document should be offered, they could suspend after getting the approval from school.

  2. 学员缴费注册之后,按照大学相关规定,不予退还学费。

  2. The fees are not refundable according to the relative rules of the university.

  3. 缺课50学时,以及学习期间未办理任何手续私自中途离校者,视为自动退学,自动退学者不予退还任何费用。

  3. If the students will be absent from school for more than 50 class hours, and leave school without any approval, they will be considered as drop out of school automatically. The fees are not refundable.


  VII. Other

  1. 第一次课程结束后,学员需提供大学备案资料,包括:护照扫描件(包括转学生签证页)、I-Card扫描件、学生证扫描件、第一次课程成绩单扫描件。

  1. After the first module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: scanned passport (and the copy of changing to student visa), scanned I-card, scanned student ID as well as scanned transcript of records of the first courses.

  2. 第二次课程结束后,学员需提供大学备案资料,包括:博士论文题目、博士生导师、第二次课程成绩单扫描件。

  2. After the second module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: title of dissertation, advisor, scanned transcript of records of the second courses.

  3. 第三次课程结束后,学员需提供大学备案资料,包括:在学校组织的国际学术会议提交论文题目、目录、大纲,第三次课程成绩单扫描件。

  3. After the third module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: submit title of dissertation, tables and general outline to international affairs organized by university.

  4. 第四次课程结束后,学员需提供大学备案资料,包括:第四次课程成绩单扫描件、博士论文题目、目录、大纲,论文答辩成绩。

  4. After the fourth module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: scanned transcript of records of the fourth courses, title of dissertation, tables and general outline as well as defense score.

  5. 毕业典礼后,学员需提供大学备案资料,包括:毕业证书扫描件.

  5. After Graduation Ceremony, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: A photocopy of Doctoral Degree Diploma.


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