


  1. 您好!我能为您做些什么吗?


  What can I do for you?


  2. __先生/女士,您今天乘坐的是国航豪华两舱的紫金头等舱/紫宸公务舱。我是___,今天很高兴能为您服务,如果有什么需要,请随时找我。

  Mr. / Ms. ___, today you are taking our luxurious First Class named Forbidden Pavilion (/ Business Class named Capital Pavilion), I’m ____. I’m glad to be at your service. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to call me.

  3. 我们今天整个航程大约飞行10小时25分。

  The flight time today is ten hours and twenty-five minutes.

  4. 国航将从6月1日起全部使用电子客票,您可以从网上直接购票和办理登机牌。

  E-ticket will be put into use from June 1st in Air China. You can easily book tickets and print boarding pass on line.

  5. 为您服务是我的荣幸。

  It is my pleasure/great honor to be at your service.

  6. 如果您有任何疑问我们会随时为您解答。

  We are pleased to help you if you have any question.

  7. 不同的制服颜色代表乘务员的不同级别。

  The different color uniforms represent different ranks of flight attendants.

  8. 对不起,我不是很清楚,我问下我的同事。

  I am sorry, I am not sure. Let me check with my colleagues.

  9. 对不起,我不太清楚我们的确切位置。请您查看个人电视上的航路信息好吗?

  I am sorry, I am not sure of our exact location. May I refer you to the air show on the PTV?

  10. 我谨代表全体机组成员祝您生日快乐。

  On behalf of the entire crew, I’d like to say happy birthday to you.

  11. 您好,这是呼叫铃,有事儿需要帮助时您可以按压这个按钮?

  This is the call button, and we will come here if you press it.

  12. 您今天乘坐的是波音747/空客340飞机。

  The aircraft you are taking is a Boeing 747/ Airbus 340.

  13. 卫生间在飞机的前部/中部/后部,请您跟我来。

  The lavatory is in the front/ center/rear of the aircraft. Please follow me.

  14. 希望您在北京过得愉快。

  Hope you will have a nice stay in Beijing.

  15. 希望这次北京之行给您留下美好的回忆。

  I hope this trip to Beijing will leave you happy memories.

  16. 下一届奥运会将在伦敦举行。

  The next Olympic Games will be held in London.

  17. 无论输赢,运动员们都尽了最大努力。

  Whether win or not, the athletes have done their utmost.

  18. 羽毛球比赛是一项很吸引人的运动项目。

  Badminton is a fascinating sport.

  19. 北京现在的气候非常适合旅游。

  With this climate of the season, it’s very suitable to tour around Beijing.

  20. 您打算在北京停留多久呢?

  How long are you going to stay in Beijing?

  21. 您来中国多久了?

  How long have you been in China?

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