空乘英语——服务(service) 1、您想看这些报纸或杂志吗? Would you like to read these news papers or magazines?
2、您想先喝点什么? Would you like anything to drink first?
3、这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么? Here is today''s menu.What would you like to have?
4、谢谢,让您久等了。这是您的饭和咖啡,还要点什么? Thank you for waiting sir.Here you are.anything more?
5、甜食要不要? How about the sweet?
6、现在可以收拾您的桌子吗? May i clear up your table now?
7、你是去学习还是只去旅游? Are you going to study there or just for sight seeing?
8、由于天气恶劣,航班已经延误。 The flight has been delayed because of bad weather. 9、由于低能见度,机场关闭,我们不能起飞。 We can''t take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility.
10、我们的飞机颠簸得厉害,请系好安全带。 Our plane is bumping hard.please keep your seat belt fastened。