
  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences, and then write the choice on the Answer Sheet


  21. Mr. Jackson devoted himself teaching in the primary school.


  A. to B. for C. by D. as


  22. Mary is ill today. If she _____, she ____ absent from school.

  A. were not ill, wouldn't be B. had been ill, wouldn't have been

  C. had been ill, should have been D. hadn't been ill, could be

  23. The sun sank the horizon and it was getting dark.

  A. over B. under C. on D. below

  24. My sister advised me that I ________ accept the invitation.

  A. could B. must C. should D. might

  25. The discovery of these tombs is ________ for scholars’ studying Chinese history.

  A. of very important B. great significant C. of great significance D. greatly importance

  26. By no means _______to move to a new place far away from her workplace, because it isn't convenient for her family and herself.

  A. Jane will agree B. will Jane agree C. Jane will disagree D. will Jane disagree

  27. They never have chicken, ___ ?

  A. are they B. do they C. aren't they D. don’t they

  28. None of us expected Tom to __________in the library. We thought he was absent from the school.

  A. turn in B. turn over C. turn up D. turn down

  29. I want to buy a new hat to __________ this green T-shirt.

  A. go into B. go with C. go after D. go by

  30. He changed his name, _____ that nobody would find out what he had done before.

  A. having thought B. to think C. thinks D. thinking


  21>25 AADCC 26>30 BBCBD

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