




  In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive ( 有说服力的) speech because the applicant seeks to persuade the employer to employ him or her. A job applicant has the responsibility for getting certain types of information before the interview.First the applicant knows what kind of job he wants and how the job relates to his career objectives. It is important that the applicant be able to speak out his reasons for wishing to work for a company. Second,the applicant should seek as much information about the company as possible. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices the financial status of the company,plans for expansion and company philosophy information. about most major companies available in reference books and periodicals.


  After gathering a company's information,the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewer's first impression comes from the interviewee's appearance. For most interviews, appropriate dress for men is a conservative dark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt For women a conservative tailored suit or dress s appropriate Roth men and women should have neat,conservative length of hair. Although hairstyle and dress are matters of taste, many personnel directors form their fist impressions from these characteristics. For example, ,one recent college graduate who felt himself qualified,interviewed for a public relations job. However,the personnel manager considered this young mans long hair, big dress, and casual manner unsuited for this position.

  1. The purpose of the passage is to________

  A.Tell the applicant how to obtain the information of a company.

  B.Tell an interviewee how to prepare for a job interview.

  C.Teach the interviewer how to choose a job applicant.

  D.Teach the ob applicant what choose to wear.

  2.According to the passage,it is suggested that the applicant should think about_________

  A. How many people are applying for the same position

  B.How much money he would earn if he got the job

  C.The type of work and his career expectations

  D.The pssibilityt of getting a promotion

  3.Before the interview,the applicant should obtain information concerning________

  A.a dark blue shirt

  B.a conservative suit

  C.casual clothes

  D.a light-colored suit.

  4. What does the example in the last paragraph mean?

  A.The importance of ones clothes

  B.The importance of self-confidence

  C.The importance of first impression.

  D.The importance of one's personal taste.


  从某种程度上来说,就业面试就像一个有说服力的(有说服力的) 因为申请人试图说服雇主雇用他或她。求职者有责任在面试前获得某些类型的信息。首先,申请人知道自己想要什么样的工作,以及该工作与职业目标的关系。申请人必须能够说出希望为公司工作的理由,这一点很重要。其次,申请人应尽可能多地了解公司的信息。申请人要查找的相关信息包括总部和地区办事处的位置、公司的财务状况、扩张计划和公司理念信息。有关大多数主要公司的信息,请参阅参考书和期刊。


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