

  AI major now available




  Universities in China will welcome the first group of undergraduate students majoring in artificial intelligence (AI) in September.


  According to a list issued by the Ministry of Education, 35 universities received approval to establish the four-year undergraduate AI-related majors. They include many prestigious universities, such as Beijing Jiaotong University, Beihang University, Nanjing University and Xi'an Jiaotong University.

  China's booming AI industry has resulted in a growing demand for talent.

  It is common for students in AI-related fields to have already committed to companies before they even graduate.

  Master's graduates majoring in AI can easily find jobs with salaries over 300,000 yuan per year, and salaries for doctoral graduates are even higher.

  Many Chinese universities have set their sights on improving AI education and nurturing more AI talent and have established new AI departments and research institutes.


  Universities in China will welcome the first group of undergraduate students majoring inartificial intelligence (AI) in September.

  welcome v.=to be pleased that sb has come or has joined an organization, activity, etc. 欢迎(新来的人);迎(新)eg.They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms .他们热烈欢迎这些新的志愿者。

  undergraduate n.本科生 postgraduate n.研究生 master n.硕士 doctor n.博士

  major v.从事,主修,major in +专业 // n.专业课,少校 eg.He's a major in the US army.他是美国陆军少校。// a.=very large or important 主要的;重要的;大的 eg.We have encountered major problems.我们遇上了大问题。


  According to a list issued by the Ministry of Education, 35 universities received approval to establish the four-year undergraduate AI-related majors. They include many prestigious universities, such as Beijing Jiaotong University, Beihang University, Nanjing University and Xi'an Jiaotong University.

  issue n.= ①an important topic that people are discussing or arguing about 重要议题;争论的问题 eg.This is a big issue.这是一个重大问题。②报刊,期号 eg.The article appeared in issue 25.该文发表在第25期。// v.=to make sth known formally 宣布;公布 eg.They issued a joint statement denying the charges.他们发表联合声明否认指控。

  approval n.同意,赞成,批准 eg.The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders.这项建议须得到股东的批准。

  prestigious a.=respected and admired as very important or of very high quality 有威望的;声誉高的 eg.a prestigious university名牌大学


  China's booming AI industry has resulted in a growing demand for talent.

  boom v.激增,繁荣eg.Business is booming!生意兴隆!// n.激增,繁荣eg.a boom in car sales汽车销售额的剧增


  It is common for students in AI-related fields to have already committed to companies before they even graduate.

  commit v.= ①to be completely loyal to one person, organization, etc. or give all your time and effort to your work, an activity, etc. 忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等)eg. commit oneself to 致力于②~ suicide 自杀 ③ ~ a crime犯罪




  1. 大数据、芯片计算能力、5G网络的发展使得AI人工智能得以高速发展。目前在自动驾驶、智能家居、工业制造等很多领域,人工智能都在快速突破。例如预计5-10年后,美国有50%的车辆将是无人驾驶。

  2. 真正的人工智能公司发展潜力很大, 人才更容易脱颖而出。如人工智能芯片公司“深鉴科技”,由四名清华高手仅仅创立2年后被收购,收购价3-4亿美元。当然,该专业的工资也很高,真正的人工智能岗位年薪百万比较容易。


  很高。该专业的前景有多好,对应的专业要求就有多高。 人工智能是计算机+数学建模的结合,该专业要求有极其好的数学逻辑能力,能把该专业真正学明白的估计没多少人。 例如给你1万张手机自拍人脸照片,让你通过编程,建立一个数学模型识别出照片中哪些人脸是高兴的表情。你需要把照片转化为计算机可处理数据,例如不同格式不同尺寸的图片如何统一处理;你需要搭建模型来判断数据有什么规律是表示高兴,例如计算嘴角的弧度、眉头的皱纹等等,同时要考虑不同年龄不同人种的脸部特点;模型要经过大量训练来优化,这会需要大量的计算机处理能力(例如几十台服务器),需要设计优秀的程序来保证训练过程尽量减少计算机的消耗以及减少计算时间(如并行计算)。


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