
1、要改变,就要先改变自己。For things to change, I must change first.


2、从我做起。If it is To Be, it is Up to Me.


3、你就代表酒店,因为你是帮助客人满足其需求的人。YOU are the hotel ……because YOU are the person who is going to help fill his or her needs.


4、每一次接触客人都是今天的第一次。Every call is the first call of the day.

5、如果你不是为客人服务,那么你是在为客人服务的人服务。If you are not serving the customer, your job is to serve somebody who is.

6、成功之道:总是做得比期望的多一点点。Simple rule for success, Walk the Extra Mile. (Always do what is required PLUS a bit more.)

7、客人对与错并不重要,重要的是他们的感觉。It doesn‘t matter whether the customer is right or wrong. It matters how they feel.

8、客人也许并不总是正确的,但是他们应该得到正确的对待。The customer may not always be right, but they should be treated right.

9、小事会影响客人的感受。It's the little things that matters.

10、小事也要力求完美。Do ordinary things extraordinary well.

11、在英文中生气与危险仅差一个字母。Anger is one letter away from Danger.

12、客人是通过我们说什么、怎么说、做什么来判断我们的。Our customers judge us by, What we say, How we say, What we do.

13、要从错误中吸取教训,不要重复错误。Learn from your mistakes, but never repeat them.

14、要象恒温器,不要象温度计。Be a thermostat not a thermometer.

15、好的感受来自于好的态度。A happy experence begins with ATTITUDE.

16、所提供的服务要比所承诺的好。Under promise but over deliver.

17、做你所擅长的并且每天都要做得更好些。Do what you do well, and do it better every day.

18、每天我会变好也会变坏,这完全取决于我自己。Each day I either get better or worse. The choice is mine.

19、警告:客人极易消失。Warning, Customers are perishiable.

20、苛刻的客人比没有客人强。No customer can be worse than hard customer.


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