优选答案1.剑桥大学University of Cambridge 开设了新能源技术硕士MPhil in Energy Technologies 。
2.伦敦大学学院University College London开设专业了能源经济、政策与环境硕士Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc、能源与环境材料硕士Materials for Energy and Environment MSc。
3.帝国理工学院Imperial College London开设了可持续能源发展硕士MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures。
4.兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University开设了能源与环境硕士Energy and the Environment。
5.诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham开设了可再生能源与建筑硕士 Renewable Energy and Architecture (Nottingham/Ningbo) Masters (MSc)。
6.伦敦城市大学 City University London开设了能源环境技术与经济硕士MSc Energy, Environmental Technology and Economics;可再生能源与电力系统管理硕士MSc Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management。
7.杜伦大学 Durham University开设了新能源与可再生能源硕士MSc in New and Renewable Energy;能源与社会学硕士MSc in Energy and Society。
8.伦敦大学皇后玛丽学院Queen Mary, University of London开设了可持续能源系统硕士MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems。
9.南安普顿大学 University of Southampton开设了能源与可持续性硕士(方向;能源资源与气候变化)MSc Energy and Sustainability (Energy resources and Climate Change);能源与可持续性硕士(方向;能源,环境与建造)MSc Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Environment and Buildings);可持续能源技术硕士MSc Sustainable Energy Technologies。
10.拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University开设了可再生能源管理 Master in Renewable Energy。